Outreach efforts.
Sustainability Student Networking - OoS.
R’Cycle Co-op Repair Clinic Series.
No Grants.
R'Garden Harvest Festival & Pumpkin Patch - Plant Power Vegan Fast Food.
Ecological Network Event.
Sustainability and Food Security in Club Fundraising - Page Masters Org.
Fair Trade Festival
GCAP Conferences.
Highlander Racing Electric Car Project.
Bourn's Engineering Day 2019.
UCR Transportation Alternatives Giveaway.
IEEE Solar Car - Fall 2018 and Winter 2019.
GCAP Presents: Goodwin's Organic Food Giveaway
Self-Care Fair
IEEE Solar Car - Winter & Spring 2018.
Botanical Garden Collaboration Event.
Solving the Salton Sea Crisis.
Bourne's Engineering Day 2018.
Solar Bike Pump.
Tea and Herbal Medicine Workshop.
IEEE Solar Car - Sum 2017-18.
Traditional Agriculture and Food Project.
Solar Water Pump for Tanzania Project.
Princess Ten-Ten and the Dark Skies Musical (Sustainability Messages.)
Bourne's Engineering Day 2017.
Seed Bank Project.
Goodwin's Organic Giveaway.
Dinner & Movie Nights at the R'Garden.
IEEE Solar Car;
Sustainable Sporks for UCR.
Hydration Stations.
Earth Week Workshop & Performance.
Yes Men are Revolting Movie Screening - Sustainable UCR Org.
Yes Men Activist Lab - 28ers Org.
Greenhouse Renovation Project.
Summer Movie Nights at the R'Garden.
R'Garden Sustainability Improvements.
Summer Movie Nights at the R'Garden.
Chemistry Club Battery Recycling Bins.
Earth Day Solar Smoothies - CALPIRG Org.
Compost Toilet for the R'Garden.
The Biggest Sustainability Marketing Campaign Ever.